Can You Lick Your Sugar Habit?

Reading Time: 2 minutes We all know that sugar is not a healthy substance. It might taste great and adds a dimension of enjoyment to everything we put it on or in. But it is one of the major ingredients that leads to diseases. \ We know it affects our teeth; can add weight and cause diabetes just to name a few issues. So … Read More

adminCan You Lick Your Sugar Habit?

Why Does The Body Need Minerals?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Minerals act as the major transmission junctions and switches for the electrical message impulses that flow from the brain to the muscles. These impulses use the nervous system as the transmission lines. The nervous system, like a “telephone” line, carries messages to and from the brain. Minerals are the switches that allow the electric impulses to flow without disruption or … Read More

adminWhy Does The Body Need Minerals?