How to Stop Worrying in Uncertain Times

Reading Time: 3 minutes Worrying is hard on your mental health and your physical health. When life feels scary or uncertain, it can be hard to not collapse under anxious and worrying thoughts. While there’s no one true guidebook for how to stop worrying completely, there are ways to address and cope with how you’re feeling. When life is stressful, it’s easy for basic … Read More

adminHow to Stop Worrying in Uncertain Times

Immune-Boosting Foods: A Good Offense

Reading Time: 4 minutes During the current global health crisis, it is wise to remember the old adage, “the best defense is a good offense.” Living healthy is a significant key to supporting the immune system – your offense. That means getting regular exercise, doing what you can to relieve stress, washing your hands well and often, getting enough rest and relaxation, and eating … Read More

adminImmune-Boosting Foods: A Good Offense

3 Vital Functions of Your Endocrine System

Reading Time: 3 minutes An unhealthy endocrine system can mean trouble for your body, as it’s responsible for many different functions. Let’s look at why the endocrine system is so important, its most important roles, and how you can help keep it in tip-top shape. What Your Endocrine System Does for You The endocrine system is a series of glands in your body that … Read More

admin3 Vital Functions of Your Endocrine System

Simple, Natural Ways to Boost Energy

Reading Time: 4 minutes Energy. Most of us feel like we could do with more of it each day. We have things to do, work to accomplish, and responsibilities to fulfill. While there’s no magic pill for perfect energy levels, there are thankfully some small, natural ways to boost energy that can make a huge difference over time. 9 Natural Ways to Boost Energy … Read More

adminSimple, Natural Ways to Boost Energy

How to Eat More Organic Foods on a Budget

Reading Time: 3 minutes Here at MNP, we believe that many of the best food choices center around organic options. There are many benefits of eating organic foods. The problem many people run into when trying to eat more organic is cost. So, below we’ll provide some tips for increasing your organic produce intake without breaking your budget. Benefits of Organic Food Some of … Read More

adminHow to Eat More Organic Foods on a Budget

Top 8 Foods That Help Balance Blood Sugar

Reading Time: 3 minutes The blood sugar inside your body is your main source of energy. Also known as “glucose,” you get blood sugar from the foods you eat, and it’s transported to all of your cells. If blood sugar levels become too low or high, it can lead to a whole range of problems. Thankfully, there are some natural lifestyle changes, including foods, … Read More

adminTop 8 Foods That Help Balance Blood Sugar

How to Maintain a Healthy Heart: 5 Daily Tips

Reading Time: 3 minutes You probably already know that keeping your heart strong is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. But maybe you wonder exactly how to maintain a healthy heart. What actions can you take daily to protect your cardiovascular system and, just as critically, make sure you aren’t doing more damage? These are questions we’ll answer below.   What Does It … Read More

adminHow to Maintain a Healthy Heart: 5 Daily Tips

What is Normal Blood Pressure, and Can Mine Be Lowered?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Blood pressure is one of the main numbers to pay attention to for a healthy heart. Knowing your numbers—including what a normal blood pressure looks like—can help you know when changes need to be made. What are Normal Blood Pressure Numbers? There are two numbers used to measure your blood pressure. The top number is your systolic blood pressure, the … Read More

adminWhat is Normal Blood Pressure, and Can Mine Be Lowered?

7 Things That Matter Besides a Healthy Weight

Reading Time: 3 minutes A “healthy weight” can be subjective in many ways. Although we have guidelines like body mass index (BMI), the number on the scale leaves out a lot of information about what it actually means to be healthy. In fact, someone can be at what looks like a healthy weight while making poor eating and lifestyle choices. Before you get obsessed … Read More

admin7 Things That Matter Besides a Healthy Weight

Are There Ways to Increase Metabolism?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Metabolism is the process of converting the food you eat into energy for your body’s functions. It involves many chemical reactions and fuels everything from moving to breathing to thinking. The rate of metabolism can vary a lot between people; some have faster metabolisms while others have slower ones. This leads a lot of us to question whether or not … Read More

adminAre There Ways to Increase Metabolism?